Getting auto insurance is important for vehicle owners driving on roads in Harrison, AR. When looking for a policy, consider the auto insurance coverage offered by Foresee General Insurance Agency Inc. to meet your insurance needs.
Unfortunately, consumers sometimes make auto insurance mistakes that lead to negative consequences down the road. The following are three mistakes to avoid when you buy auto insurance in Arkansas.
Being unaware of minimum coverage requirements in Arkansas
In Arkansas, there are specific liability coverage requirements in effect. Motorists need to meet these minimum coverage requirements at least.
In Arkansas, motorists are required to carry $25,000 in bodily injury coverage per person per accident and $25,000 in property damage coverage.
Purchasing only liability coverage
Law only requires you to carry liability coverage on your Arkansas auto insurance policy. However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t carry other types of coverage.
If you want to make sure that your auto insurance policy adequately protects your vehicle’s value, you should add comprehensive and collision coverage to your insurance policy.
Buying a policy before you compare quotes
Getting quotes on auto insurance policies is crucial to becoming aware of all available options. The auto insurance policy you choose is important and can impact your future finances.
That’s why you need to carefully evaluate a few different quotes. Evaluate quotes not only based on their cost but also the amount of coverage that they will provide you with.
We can provide you with a quote on an Arkansas auto insurance policy at Foresee General Insurance Agency Inc. Call us today to learn about the auto insurance offers we provide to consumers in Harrison, AR.