When you are in the Harrison, AR area, you are likely going to want to own a car to ensure you can get around town. One task that you need to take seriously involves picking your auto insurance policy. All people in this area will have a variety of different auto insurance requirements that should be taken into consideration when choosing your next policy.
State Minimum Requirements
Similar to other states, Arkansas requires all drivers to carry the state minimum level of liability insurance. This coverage ensures that all drivers can pay for damages if they cause an accident. In this state, you will need to carry bodily injury coverage of at least $25,000 per person and at least $50,000 per incident cap. Additionally, you will need to have property damage coverage of at least $25,000, which will cover and protect your vehicle.
Compliance with Lender
Beyond meeting the state minimum requirements for auto insurance, you also need to spend time assessing your auto insurance requirements with your lender. If you have taken out a loan to buy the car, you are going to need to have auto insurance on the vehicle at all times. Most lenders are going to require that you carry a policy that has a reasonable deductible as well as full collision and comprehensive insurance protection.
When you are in the Harrison, AR area, you are likely going to have a variety of auto insurance requirements. To ensure that you comply with these requirements, you should call the team at Foresee General Insurance Agency, Inc. The insurance team at the Foresee General Insurance Agency, Inc. can help you to assess your need better and ensure you get into a policy that provides you with full legal and loan compliance.